Ofsted Comments
Our success as a nursery group is reflected in our Ofsted reports with many outstanding & consistent comments please read some of them below
Our Northover Fruit Tree Day Nursery Ofsted inspections:
"The manager and staff have high expectations for children. They provide an environment that is calm, safe and enticing, which benefits children's confidence and enhances their positive attitude to explore and learn."
"Staff identify the needs of children as individuals and a group. They plan the environment to help support children to develop the skills they need to learn."
"Staff know their key children well. They identify any developmental needs quickly and seek additional support."
"Staff support children well to follow their own interests and ideas. For instance, staff provide resources that allow children to extend their role play. Staff use a rich range of language during their interactions."
"Staff develop strong partnership with parents. For example, they share information about children and work effectively with parents to promote children's learning at home. Parents speak very highly of the staff. They say that their children love attending and make good progress."
"Staff are very committed to providing children with fun learning experiences. The team works well together and constantly reflects on children's learning to enhance the curriculum."
“Staff establish effective partnerships with parents. They share regular information about the children’s care and learning needs and offer ideas to extend learning further at home to provide continuity”
"The manager ensures that the team's knowledge of safeguarding is regularly updated. Staff demonstrate a strong understanding of their roles and responsibilities to promote children's safety."
"Staff have a good knowledge of a broad range of safeguarding issues that may affect the welfare of children and their families."
“The manager tracks all children’s progress well to help identify gaps in their learning. Additional funding is used effectively to help ensure all children, including those who have specific learning needs, make the progress of which they are capable”
“Children acquire good skills for their next stage of learning, including starting school”
A few comments from our Camberwell Nursery Ofsted Inspections:
“very strong & effective Leadership and management style & efficacy” “The Directors & Management have a very clear vision and mission for the nursery.
“Staff collect detailed observations about children, identify next steps in learning and share these with parents regularly, Staff monitor children’s progress effectively, and support and prepare them well for the next stages in their education”
“Parents comment they have no worries leaving their child because they know the staff make them happy”
“Children are busy and active learners; they happily help themselves to a good range of resources and the staff sensitively guide children, showing their high standards in the quality of teaching”
“The provision is good and Children enjoy the learning opportunities that staff provide, Staff know which activities engage children well”
“Children form strong attachments to staff and show their feelings of safety and security as they gain in confidence and independence”
“Children enjoy delicious tasty meals which introduces them to eating healthily”
“Partnership working is strong, particularly with parents who participate in both formal and social events”
“The new management team is strength as they work effectively with staff, listening to their needs and providing opportunities to continue training”
“Staff use praise well and sing songs with the children to boost their confidence, they develop caring relationships with children and parents. Children settle quickly when they start nursery”
“Leaders have a good understanding of the strengths and the next steps for the nursery that will support children’s progress”
“Children are busy and active learners; they happily help themselves to a good range of resources and staff sensitively guide children, showing their high standards in the quality of teaching”
“Children form strong attachments to staff and show their feelings of safety and security as they gain in confidence and independence”
“Children enjoy delicious tasty meals which introduces them to eating healthily”
“Partnership working is strong, particularly with parents who participate in both formal and social events”
“The new management team is strength as they work effectively with staff, listening to their needs and providing opportunities to continue training”